How to Reverse Prediabetes Naturally: 10 Life-Changing Ways to Reverse Prediabetes
Have you been recently diagnosed with prediabetes? Don't worry. By making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can reverse prediabetes.
This article will discuss the foods to avoid and eat if you are prediabetic and tips for success. So read on and get started on reversing your prediabetes today!
Related: Insulin Resistance | How to Control Insulin Resistance
How to Reverse Prediabetes
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What is Prediabetes?
Prediabetes is when the blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not high enough to be diabetes.
An estimate shows that up to 30% of Americans have prediabetes, and many of them don't even know it.
The good news is that you can reverse prediabetes – if you take action.
Diabetes is a disease that affects the body's ability to use glucose (or blood sugar).
People with diabetes have high levels of glucose in their bloodstream. In comparison, prediabetes remains within range but has higher than typical elevations.
What Causes Diabetes
Each type of diabetes has its own set of causes:
What Causes Type 1 Diabetes
The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients absorbed by our bodies. For example, when we eat carbs, they get broken down into sugar or glucose.
Glucose needs insulin to enter your cells. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas, an organ located behind your stomach.
The pancreas manufactures insulin in the beta cells of your duodenum. Insulin is “the key” that opens the cell wall door, allowing glucose to enter your cells.
Glucose is a carbohydrate that provides the fuel our body needs to function.
If you have diabetes, your pancreas isn't producing any insulin or enough insulin. Although your pancreas generates insulin, your cells cannot respond to it or use it as they would.
If glucose cannot enter your cells, it remains in your bloodstream. As a result, your blood glucose levels rise.
What Causes Type 2 Diabetes
Insulin resistance develops when blood glucose levels begin to rise. Elevated glucose causes beta cells to stop responding to insulin (insulin insensitivity). As a result, beta cells in the pancreas cannot absorb glucose from circulation.
What Causes Gestational Diabetes
When you eat, your pancreas releases insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps move glucose from your blood to your cells, which use it for energy.
Your placenta makes hormones that cause glucose to build up in your blood. Usually, your pancreas can send out enough insulin to handle it. But if your body can't make enough insulin or stops using insulin, your blood sugar levels rise. And you get gestational diabetes.
What Causes Prediabetes
In prediabetes, insulin resistance can develop, or the body may make less insulin. As a result, although not as in type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels rise.
Diabetes can cause different health problems, including:
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Kidney Disease
- Nerve Damage
- Eye Problems
Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke risk increases in people with prediabetes.
Here are some Causes of Prediabetes:
- Overweight or obesity
- Family history of diabetes
- Being over the age of 45
- Having gestational diabetes
- Giving birth to a macrosomic baby (over nine pounds)
- Having high blood pressure or cholesterol
- Having a history of cardiovascular disease
Can You Reverse Diabetes
Can You Reverse Type 1 Diabetes
People with type 1 diabetes need regular insulin injections to control the disease. But, researchers have yet to discover a cure or a method to reverse type 1 diabetes.
Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
You can reverse Type 2 Diabetes. A person with type 2 diabetes can cure their diabetes by losing weight.
A person is in remission if their blood sugar levels are normal for six months or longer.
But being in remission does not mean being clear of diabetes yet since it may return.
Is Prediabetes Reversible?
Losing weight and exercising can aid in the reversal of insulin resistance. Also, these methods may prevent or slow down type 2 diabetes development.
Other measures may help a person manage or reverse prediabetes.
10 Ways to Reverse Prediabetes Naturally
1. Change Your Diet
NIDDK recommends a low-fat, reduced-calorie eating plan to delay type 2 diabetes. This diet is also effective for preventing type 2 diabetes.
NIDDK stands for National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Cut foods with added sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat. Eat smaller portions of high-calorie, fatty foods. Avoid these when possible.
According to the ADA, there is no standard eating plan for diabetes or prediabetes.
ADA stands for American Diabetes Association.
The Mediterranean diet, for example, is effective for specific individuals. People on this plan consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And consume limited amounts of poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Olive oil is their primary source of fat.
Reduce your carb intake.
According to a study, low-carb diets may improve blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients.
Reduce your sugar and carb intake as these foods are bad for prediabetes. Also, as we mentioned, these foods can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. So avoid sugary drinks, candy, white bread and pasta, and potatoes.
Increase intake of foods that lower blood sugar:
- Lean protein sources
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Whole-grain bread and pasta
- Low-fat dairy products
2. Get regular exercise.
- Exercise to prevent or reverse prediabetes and insulin resistance.
- If you're not active, start walking for 5-10 minutes every day and work your way up to 30 minutes.
- Get up and move around once an hour instead of sitting for long periods.
Exercise can help improve your blood sugar levels and health. So be sure to get moving and see the benefits for yourself!
3. Get adequate sleep.
According to a study, sleeping less than 5 hours each night links to higher blood sugar levels. The same discovery is in the research between people who slept more than 8 hours each night. (Trusted Source)
The study includes prediabetes or type 2 diabetes and are overweight or obese.
4. Treat Sleep Apnea
Many people with prediabetes suffer from untreated sleep apnea.
Sleep Apnea is a sleep problem in which the upper airway closes during the night. When the upper airway closes, it disrupts sleep and lowers oxygen levels.
Overweight and obese individuals have a similar prevalence of sleep apnea as diabetes. According to research, it's linked to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Prediabetes, if left unchecked, can lead to type 2 diabetes. But, People who used CPAP to treat sleep apnea had improved blood sugar control red. Also, CPAP users showed a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes after a year of daily use of the CPAP machine for eight hours.
5. Lose excess weight
By losing about 5–7%of their weight, people with prediabetes can reduce their type 2 diabetes risk. For someone who weighs 200 pounds, that works out as 10–14 pounds.
A study looked at weight loss six months after prediabetes diagnosis. (Journal of General Internal Medicine)
People who lost about 10% body weight decreased type 2 diabetes risk during the next three years by 85%.
For those who lost 5% to 7% of their body weight, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes within three years dropped by 54%.
6. Stop smoking.
Active smokers have a 30–40% higher risk of developing diabetes. The risk increases with the number of cigarettes a person smokes. Insulin is less effective if people with type 2 diabetes are nicotine-exposed.
7. Stay Hydrated.
Drink plenty of water every day to help control blood sugar levels.
A study in Diabetes Care followed 3,615 middle-aged men and women with normal blood sugar levels. Participants who drank more than a half-liter a day had a 28% lower high blood sugar risk than those who drank less.
8. Avoid alcohol.
Moderate alcohol consumption might lower type 2 diabetes risk. In comparison, excessive drinking may raise it.
ADA recommends that individuals with diabetes or prediabetes consume alcohol in moderation. Also, women should not have more than one drink per day, while males should not exceed two drinks.
One drink means 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of spirits, or 5 ounces of wine.
9. Reduce your stress levels and anxiety.
Stress causes the body to release hormones that can cause insulin resistance. Adrenaline and cortisol are such. (Diabetes UK)
As a result, stress may lead to high blood sugar levels over time. (Diabetes UK)
Make time for relaxation to help you better control your stress levels.
People with prediabetes fear should learn and understand it more. Learn more about it through educational materials or a support group.
10. Consult a nutritionist.
Seek professional help if needed.
If you are struggling to make changes on your own, it may be helpful to seek out the use of a nutritionist or dietitian.
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is a nutrition-based therapy. Qualified dietitian nutritionists provide MNT considering food preferences and culture. It includes nutrition diagnosis, treatment, and counseling services to help control diabetes.
CDC's Lifestyle Change Program (LCP). People with prediabetes are eligible for the program if:
- 18 or older
- Overweight by body-mass index (BMI)
- Not pregnant
- Not diagnosed with type or type 2 diabetes are eligible for the program.
To be eligible for the program, a person must have one of the following:
- A recent blood test that shows prediabetes range results
- At high risk for type 2 diabetes as determined by a risk assessment
- Gestational diabetes
For 65 and older, you may join Medicare's Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP). You must have recent blood test results that state you are within the prediabetes range.
Prediabetes Diet
Prediabetes Foods to Avoid
High Glycemic Foods
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends avoiding high glycemic foods. High Glycemic foods can cause blood sugar levels to spike. A spike leads to increased insulin production leading to a greater prediabetes risk.
Examples of this are:
- White bread
- Pasta
- Sugary drinks
Some of the best foods to avoid if you have prediabetes include:
- Sodas and other sugary drinks
- Candy and other sweets
- Potatoes
Ultra Processed Foods
How Do Ultra-Processed Foods Affect the Risk of Diabetes?
Ultra-processed foods have been through extreme levels of processing. As a result, they're most likely full of additives, including sugar, salt, fat, and additives.
Ultra-processed foods are from extracted components found in meals. Such are:
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Added sugars
- Hydrogenated fats
They can also include chemicals like artificial colors and flavors or stabilizers. A few examples are:
- Frozen dinners
- Soft drinks
- Hot dogs
- Cold cuts
- Fast food
- Packaged cookies
- Cakes
- Salty snacks
A 10% increase in ultra-processed meals in the diet correlates to a 15% increased diabetes risk. The link between ultra-processed foods and diabetes has been strong.
Stay away from these foods if you are borderline diabetic or have prediabetes.
Saturated and Trans fats and Foods High in Cholesterol
Saturated and trans fats can raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol puts you at a higher risk for heart disease.
Besides avoiding unhealthy foods, focusing on eating healthy could also reverse prediabetes.
What Are the Best Foods to Eat if You Are Prediabetic?
Fill up on fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. They have nutrients and antioxidants that can improve your health. Also, it reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
But, there are many healthy foods that you should be eating if you have prediabetes. These include:
- Lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu
- Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Whole-grain bread and pasta
- Low-fat dairy products
Besides a healthy diet, get regular exercise to reverse prediabetes. Exercise can help improve your blood sugar levels and health. So be sure to get moving and see the benefits for yourself!
How Do You Reverse Prediabetes?
The most effective way to do so is by exercising and eating healthy. These will help bring your blood sugar levels back into the normal range!
Reversing Prediabetes | Tips to Reverse Prediabetes
Make small changes at first.
If you try to overhaul your entire diet all at once, it may be challenging to stick with it. So instead, start by making small changes. For example, swap white bread for whole grain and add more fruits and vegetables to your meals.
Find a support system.
Whether it's family or friends, having someone to help you stay on track can be beneficial.
Keep a food journal.
A food journal can help you track what you eat and how your blood sugar responds.
Seek professional help.
If you are struggling to make changes on your own, it may be helpful to seek out the use of a nutritionist or dietitian.
You can reverse prediabetes and improve your health by following these tips. So get started today and see the benefits for yourself!
Don't Let the Pre in Prediabetes Mislead You!
Don't let the “pre” in prediabetes mislead you! Prediabetes is a severe condition that requires action.
Lifestyle changes might aid in the management or reversal of prediabetes. But it is still crucial to seek a medical expert's opinion. Talk to your doctor about reaching your health goals.
Here's an infographic guide that you can use. Feel free to download, save and share it with your loved ones:
We hope this article has helped provide helpful information on prediabetes. And would help you reverse it.
Check out this video of KenDBerryMD to Find Out How He Reversed His Diabetes:

Prediabetes is a condition that can lead to severe health problems if left untreated. The good news is that you can reverse prediabetes with diet and lifestyle changes.
Many common foods help slow down glucose absorption, so add them to your diet if you have prediabetes.
Remember: Early diagnosis is crucial!
The sooner you treat it, the better your chances of avoiding severe health problems.
Do you have prediabetes? Do you know of any other tips on how to reverse prediabetes naturally?
What advice do you have for others struggling with this condition? Please share in our comments section below.
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