Top 10 Diabetes Herbal Treatments From Around the World
Diabetes is no longer limited to the western world. Developing nations top the list of the countries with an increasing population of people suffering from Diabetes. It is estimated that almost 60% of the people suffering from diabetes are in Asia.
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Top 10 Diabetes Herbal Treatments From Around the World
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What this means is that a lot of people do not have access to expensive synthetic brand medications in these parts of the world. In Africa, people are struggling to get insulin on time for patients who have type I diabetes.
This has given rise to the demand for alternative healing methods which mainly involve the use of herbs to control blood sugar levels.
Diabetes can only be prevented or controlled. It can never be cured. So, irrespective of whether you pop the pill before each meal or are taking an insulin injection every day, or using a herb to bring your sugar levels down, it boils down to the same thing.
Diabetes Herbal Treatments
The use of herbs for treating lifestyle diseases is not new. It is a practice that has been around for centuries even before we entered the era of synthetic pills and injectables.
In ancient China, the condition was called xiao ke which translates as excessive thirst, which is one of the symptoms of Diabetes.
The Chinese have been using herbs to treat the condition for more than 2000 years now.
In ancient India, a holistic healing method called Ayurveda has formed almost 2000 years ago. Ayurveda calls the condition Madhumeha and has relied on herbs for controlling the condition.
Similar healing methods and the use of herbs are prevalent all around the world. Here's our pick of the best ones.
Cassia Bark – China & Vietnam
Cassia Bark is also called Chinese Cinnamon and tastes sweeter than the original cinnamon. It has been used for ages in Chinese teas as a natural herb for increasing insulin sensitivity and to reduce blood sugar levels.
Ginseng – China & America
Ginseng has been used extensively around the world for reducing blood sugar in people with diabetes.
Fenugreek – Middle East and India
While it has mainly been used as a spice in the Middle East, fenugreek has also been used as an herbal remedy for diabetes for ages.
The benefits of fenugreek have been clinically proven too. It contains trigonelline which helps to control blood sugar levels.
Psyllium – Europe, India, China
It is said that people who use 10 gm of Psyllium husk every day can reduce their blood sugar levels and also control their cholesterol levels.
Bitter Melon – India
Bitter Melon is commonly used in culinary preparations in India. But this is also widely used for helping reduce blood sugar levels.
It contains Charantin, vicine, and polypeptide-p, a compound that resembles insulin. Besides this, it also contains a whole lot of Vitamins, Minerals, and other bioactive compounds.
Curcumin – India
Curcumin is a naturally occurring compound in Turmeric, the spice that is famous around the world for India's authentic curries. Curcumin helps boost blood sugar control and also helps to avoid the development of diabetes.
Aloe Vera – Africa, India, Middle East, China, US
Aloe Vera is a plant that is well known for its healing properties. But what most people do not know is that the dried sap of Aloe Vera has been used for centuries in Arabia as a natural treatment for diabetes.
Holy Basil – India
This commonly used herb in India is clinically proven to help increase the release of insulin in the body.
Jamun (Syzygium cumini) – India
The seeds of this fruit are dried and administered as a natural tonic for helping reduce blood sugar.
Gymnema Leaf – India
The leaves of the Gymnema tree were chewed to reduce the craving for sweets.
These diabetes herbal treatments are considered safer than synthetics.
Here's an infographic guide that you can use. Feel free to download, save and share it with your loved ones:
Ayurleaf's Herbal Treatment for Diabetes [https://www.ayurleaf.com/single-herbs/diabetes-care.html] is known for its effectiveness and reliability.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sebastian_Wiradharmas/1982643
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
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