Does tinnitus go away? That ringing in the ears can be a nuisance but these are some signs indicating that the noise in your ear is fading away.
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Does Tinnitus Go Away? 9 Signs The Buzz is Fading Away
1. It’s Not Due to a Permanent Condition
There are certain conditions that cause permanent tinnitus. If you have a long-term ailment like Meniere’s Disease or age-related hearing loss, there’s a chance that your tinnitus may not necessarily go away on its own.
If, however, it’s due to an ear infection, wax buildup, or a prolonged exposure to loud sounds, the tinnitus will eventually fade once you address the root cause.
2. It Happens Less Often
If you’ve noticed that the ear ringing doesn’t happen as much as it used to, that’s a good sign of your tinnitus getting better. While tinnitus has its “good” days and its “bad” days, you may find yourself having more good days than bad.
3. It Bothers You Less
Tinnitus falls on a spectrum – from a mild nuisance, at best, to an overwhelming feeling that interferes with your life, at worst. Even if it doesn’t necessarily “go away”, you’re on the right track if it doesn’t bother you and doesn’t stop you from living your life.
4. You Can Relax and Focus
A particularly bad bout of tinnitus can interfere with sleep, and less sleep decreases your quality of life in many ways. It’s a sign your tinnitus is on its way out when you can sleep through the night or focus on the task on hand when you need to.
5. The Ringing Seems Softer
Do you feel like there’s less ringing in your ears compared to before? If you do, chances are your tinnitus is fading. Tinnitus that seems to fade into the background in your usual environment spells good news for you.
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6. It Lasts Shorter than Usual (or Only Intermittently)
Another sign your tinnitus is going away is when you go for longer periods without that buzz in your ear. When tinnitus that used to last for hours now only lasts for a few minutes or seconds at a time, or that constant buzzing becomes more intermittent, you’re on the road to recovery.
7. The Sound Changes
You can tell that tinnitus starts to fade if there’s a change to the sound you perceive. A good sign is when the sound changes from a constant ringing or buzzing to more of a humming effect you can easily tune out from.
8. You Get Used to It
Sometimes, you just get used to your tinnitus. Habituation is the process where you train your brain to filter out the tinnitus humming so you become less aware of it and allow yourself to go through daily life.
Habituation can happen with time, but you can also fast track it through therapy. A successful habituation allows you to get used to the sound and treat it as a normal part of your life.
9. You Treat the Root Cause
If you find that your tinnitus isn’t disappearing anytime soon, it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor or an audiologist, depending on what caused the tinnitus. A short course of antibiotics (in case it’s due to an infection), reducing exposure to loud noise, or getting hearing aids fitted could just be the trick.
Watch this video from House Institute to find tinnitus relief with these tips from an ear doctor:
Does tinnitus go away? That depends on what caused it in the first place. Whether you treat the cause of your tinnitus, or learn to manage it if it’s a more permanent fixture in your life, the good news is relief is on its way.

Have you experienced tinnitus? What were the things that helped you manage it? Share your experiences in the comments section below!
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