Simple Protection Tips Against COVID-19 Delta Variant

COVID 19 coronavirus Delta variant Sars ncov 2 2021. Delta plus Strain | Simple Protection Tips Against COVID-19 Delta Variant | featured

The Delta variant of COVID-19 has been spreading across the globe like wildfire. Now, It's obvious that vaccination alone can't protect against this variant.

Therefore, we have shared some tips to help you stay safe when it comes to coronavirus. Read on to find out more.

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Simple Protection Tips Against COVID-19 Delta Variant

How the Delta Variant is DifferentFemale UK lab scientist doctor holding glass ampoule vial containing Coronavirus molecule cell-Delta Variant

According to statistics, the Delta variant of the virus is 300% more contagious than the first variant of the virus. Early research studies suggest that this is because of the ability of the Delta variant to replicate much faster than the previous strains.

Apart from being more contagious, the symptoms of this infection are more severe. Although vaccines may reduce the severity of the infection, you can do a few simple things in order to protect yourself against the new variant.

The Delta VariantDoctor testing with blood test tube from patient infected with Coronavirus Delta variant-Delta variant

The size of the particles of the Delta variant is.125 microns. In simple words, one single strain of human hair is 500% thicker than one coronavirus. The good news is that you can use the right type of face masks in order to filter out even smaller particles.

We know for sure that face masks can filter tiny viruses of influenza. But we are not sure if they are effective against this variant of the virus. According to facts and figures, the particles of the Delta variant are bigger than influenza particles.

According to a study done in Brazil, wearing the right type of mask can reduce your likelihood of catching the virus by 87%. It is as effective as the vaccine against the virus. There is no doubt that vaccines can also help you survive when you are infected.

In response to the new variant of the virus, fresh masking recommendations were released by CDC. According to CDC, n95 masks are the best choice if you want the maximum protection against two different types of viruses including covid-19.

N95 Masks or Surgical MasksCorona virus prevetion face mask protection N95 masks and medical surgical masks at home-Delta Variant

As far as preventing influenza infection is concerned, the surgical mask is are almost as effective as and 95 masks. Apart from this, both of these marks are capable of capturing tiny particles that are over 10 times smaller than COVID-19 particles.

Improving VentilationWoman Standing By Bedroom Window And Opening Curtains-Delta Variant

Since the concentration of the virus is relatively higher inside and closed spaces, COVID-19 spreads faster due to poor ventilation. Therefore, you may want to improve your indoor ventilation to bring the viral concentrations down.

You can do this by keeping a few windows open during the day. Apart from this, you can turn your central air fan to “Always On” mode. If you follow this simple strategy, you can reduce the spread of the virus by 30%.


HEPA FiltersHands changing air, dust, carbon and hepa purifier filters-Delta Variant

Air purifiers are also effective against this type of viruses. But make sure that you go for an air purifier that has HEPA filters inside.

Long story short, you can follow these protection tips if you want to stay safe against the Delta variant of COVID-19.

For protection against COVID-19, you can go for an Olansi air purifier. You can purchase a reliable unit from

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