Get Strong at Any Age with Andy Baker [PODCAST]

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Get Strong at Any Age with Andy Baker

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Way back in episode 16 I spoke with Dr. Jonathon Sullivan, and we discussed WHY someone over 50 should care about getting – and staying – strong. And we talked about different fitness protocols and spent a good amount of time talking about which of these exercise protocols are best for us aging adults. We talked about the health benefits of strength training, and the fact that us folks over 50 should consider ourselves athletes of aging in the most extreme sport of all – the sport of aging well. But we only scratched the surface of WHAT we should do to get strong, and just as importantly, HOW we should do it.

My guest today is Andy Baker. Andy has over 17 years of experience as a personal trainer and strength coach and is one of the most sought-after strengths and fitness experts in the industry. Andy coaches high-level elite athletes as well as “athletes of aging” and is the co-author of “Practical Programming for Strength Training” with Mark Rippetoe. Andy is also the co-author of “The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life after 40” with Dr. Jonathon Sullivan. In this episode, Andy shares exactly what we should do to get strong, as well as how we should do it.

We cover optimum exercise selection, set and reps, programming, and progressions – for everyone from the very basic beginner to the advanced athlete looking to compete in the sport of powerlifting. In this episode we also discuss:

Health outcomes between older people who weight train vs those who don’t. The role of CrossFit in putting barbells into older people’s hands. The importance of coaching and self-education. How to get started with strength training, How to break through training plateaus, How to train for the first powerlifting meet, And much, much more!

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