Low Sexual Desire? Re-light That Fire With a Holistic Approach and Low-T Supplements [PODCAST]

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Low Sexual Desire? Re-light That Fire With a Holistic Approach and Low-T Supplements

sad-man-sits-on-bed-wife low sexual desire SS

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee talk about the differences between low libido and erectile dysfunction. Dr. Mistry's favorite metaphor for this distinction is his golf analogy: if you aren't good at golf, you probably won't want to play. But if you could take a magic pill to improve your game, you'd be more likely to want to hit the green!

It's similar to sex–if you're afraid of how you'll perform (especially if erectile dysfunction is in the mix), your desire for sex will likely decrease as well. Luckily, there are many things you can do to improve your sex life! No matter what is cramping your style, a holistic approach to sexual health is always a good bet. At NAU Urology Specialists, we offer the full range of treatments for sexual dysfunction, from sex therapy to natural and pharmaceutical hormone supplements to wellness plans and pelvic floor physical therapy.

The thing many people don't realize is that both men's and women's sexual health is interconnected to other aspects of their wellness–from self-esteem to lifestyle factors to stress, there are so many things that can impact our sex lives. That is why you need a holistic practitioner who can determine your exact needs and get you on a better path!

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